Room Change Process
The majority of students share a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and/or common space with one or more roommates. Once you receive your room assignment, you can find your roommate’s name(s) and Northeastern email(s) in your Housing Online portal. We strongly encourage you to contact your roommate(s) through their email.
Breaking the ice and starting to communicate before move-in will allow for you to begin the process of getting to know one another and ease any anxieties you may have about sharing your space. Once you have started to build a relationship, you can start to discuss expectations on how you will share your room such as cleanliness, sharing of items, and much more.
After moving in, you will complete a roommate agreement that outlines these expectations. First year students are required to complete the formal agreement, and all returning students are strongly encouraged to complete the agreement, as well. Each roommate should approach the agreement with an open mind and clearly communicate the aspects of common living that are most important to them.
Roommate Conflicts
If you are having a roommate conflict, it is important to address it immediately. If you need assistance approaching your roommate, your Resident Assistant can assist by practicing talking points or joining the conversation. Residential Life staff of all levels will work with you and your roommates to resolve conflicts. All attempts to resolve conflict so that roommates can maintain a respectful living environment will be explored prior to considering requests to change your room.
Facilities Concerns
If you have a facilities concern, please submit a Facilities Work Request on your Student Hub. If you need help following up on a current facilities work order, please contact your Building Staff.
Medical Concerns
If you have a medical concern, please register your medical need with the Disability Access Services (DAS). Any medical accommodation must first be documented and reviewed by the housing accommodation team. Please review the information on how to start that process here.