Keeping Campus Safe and Secure
The Northeastern University Police Department is dedicated to maintaining the campus as a safe and pleasant place in which to live, work and study. However, a truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of all students, faculty and staff.
Northeastern Safety and Security
The Residential Security Office’s primary responsibility is access control of the residence halls. Access control is achieved with a comprehensive package of “people protecting people,” while utilizing a computerized electronic access control system and various alarms.
The Residential Security Office is located in the upper lobby of Speare Hall and is open 24 hours a day. Other responsibilities include assisting residents and parents, maintaining a special access list, paging residence life staff, notifying public safety of any security breaches or emergency issues and monitoring of all proctor stations.
Residential Security Office supervisors conduct rounds every shift at each of the proctor stations and immediately report any risks to the appropriate residence life, public safety or facilities officials. The Residential Security Office supervisors work in close partnership with the Public Safety Division’s Community Policing Teams.
Access Control
Residence hall main entrance doors and inner lobby doors are controlled by a computerized electronic access control system. The residence hall exterior doors can be locked or unlocked on demand or on pre-designated schedules. Residents are required to provide their Northeastern University Husky Identification Card to the proctors stationed at the lobby entrances for access approval.
This is achieved with the assistance of a card reader connected electronically to an updated resident list. In emergency situations, any particular resident’s access can be removed electronically and/or residence hall main entrance doors can be locked to prevent unwanted access.
All guests and visitors are required to produce photo identification in order to be signed in by a resident. All guests must be escorted by a resident at all times. Residents are only allowed to sign in three guests at a time.
Leased Properties
- Security is maintained via key access to the apartment building and the individual apartments. There are no proctors or card-activated entry access points in leased properties.
- For more information, please refer to the Guide to Residence Hall Living
- The Residential Security Office currently staffs 36 proctor stations 24/7, 365 days a year (for all open buildings).
Guest Policy
- You may have no more than three visitors signed in at a time and they may only stay in the building up to three consecutive nights in a week.
- Roommates must work out their own arrangements for visitors; if you cannot agree, seek a staff member for help.
- Guests must bring a photo ID along with them in order to be signed in to their residence hall. Guests are not allowed past the Proctor Station without being signed in with a valid photo ID.
For full details of the Guest Policy, see the Guide to Residence Hall Living.
Northeastern University Public Safety
Click here to visit Northeastern University Police Department
Student Positions
Administrative Assistant Co-Op
The administrative assistant co-op is responsible for communications between RCS professional staff and student employees. For a list of requirements and to apply, please visit the Student Hub or speak with your co-op coordinator.
Residential Security Office Supervisors
The supervisor position is a part-time position made up of both students. Between 30 and 35 supervisors are needed in order to meet 24/7 supervisor coverage. Supervisors are promoted from the existing proctor pool.
Proctors include students, non-students and resident assistants. Contract security is also used to supplement staffing requirements. In order to maintain the staffing needs, the Residential Security Office employs 800-1,200 part-time students annually, and of those, 350-400 weekly. This opportunity affords many students the ability to take some ownership in the safety and security of the residence halls.
- Proctor stations are located in the lobby of most residence halls.
- All residence hall lobbies are equipped with CCTV surveillance cameras that can be monitored by both the Public Safety Operations Center and the Residential Security Office supervisors.
- All proctor stations are equipped with duress alarms that are connected to the Northeastern University Police Operations Center.
- All proctor stations are equipped with landline telephones.
- All exterior doors are equipped with intrusion alarms that are connected directly to the Northeastern University Police Operations Center. Northeastern University Police investigate all alarm violations.
How to Apply for the Proctor Position
We have transitioned to online applications! Find our posting on the Student Employment home page.