A large part of your college experience will take place in the residence halls and, to make the most out of your first year at Northeastern, you will participate in a Living Learning Community (LLC). An experience for the like-minded, LLCs bring students with similar interests, hobbies, and courses together for support and fun throughout their journey as a young Husky. There’s a community for everyone!

First Year Residential Experience

As a new student living in university housing, you will be a part of the First Year Residential Experience at Northeastern University. The First Year Residential Experience has two main goals – first, to create opportunities for social connection, support, and belonging. Second, the First Year Residential Experience strives to provide first-year students with opportunities for learning and development.

Our core outcome is to prepare students to become lifelong learners who are holistically formed, experience growth alongside others, and are responsible contributors to local and global communities. The Residential Life team designs intentional experiences, programs, and activities to build a strong community environment that prioritizes both of these goals.

Living Learning Communities

A central component of the First Year Residential Experience is our Living Learning Communities (LLCs). When incoming first year students apply for housing, they choose from more than a dozen LLCs to begin their residential experience at Northeastern. These LLCs bring together students with a shared personal or academic interest to learn and grow during their first year at Northeastern.

Each LLC is directed by the Residential Life staff, as well as staff and faculty from across the university. This team provides support, facilitates intentional learning opportunities, and strives to foster meaningful connections within the community.

Let’s take a closer look at these remarkable places to live!

First Year College Affiliated LLC

Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Learn to be a leader in the field of health care today! The Bouvé College LLC unites students from many majors, including Physical Therapy, Nursing, Health Science and Pharmacy, for an interdisciplinary learning experience. In the modern field of health care, practitioners work very closely in a team setting across multiple disciplines.

This LLC allows students to gain an intimate understanding of this complex but exciting environment. Students can spend time with faculty members during a dinner series, and will gain academic support for their challenging course loads.

Khoury College of Computer Sciences

The Khoury College of Computer Sciences is a Living Learning Community founded on hard drives, programming, and C++ Scripts. Beyond the basics of Computer Sciences, this community offers students an academically supportive environment while providing endless opportunity for socializing, connecting, and building a strong network for a successful first year at Northeastern University.

Join our LLC and integrate your love for Computer Sciences into real world applications, all while working with faculty and staff on the cutting edge of game design and computer science.

Women in Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Women who are interested in Computer Sciences will find a supportive and academically challenging home within this community. Students will not only receive all of the academic and social support from the main LLC, but will also receive specialized support through networks and mentorships while at Northeastern and beyond.

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering is the oldest Living Learning Community in university housing! Join our well-established community and experience Northeastern University, as well as the city of Boston, through the lens of an engineer. You’ll get the chance to apply your love and knowledge of math, science, and engineering to real world problems while connecting with faculty and staff on a regular basis.

Additionally, this community provides a strong support system for your academic course load through weekly tutoring and review sessions.

College of Science

Explore. Discover. Revolutionize. In the College of Science LLC you will be challenged to expand your academic horizons. You will not only experience, but become a part of the cutting edge world of the sciences. In this community you will be encouraged to explore your passions, whether it is through the world of biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, or other science disciplines. Academic support, interactions with faculty, attending co-op and research panels, or even applying knowledge in an inspired way is all a part of the College of Science experience.

Residing in an interdisciplinary floor, you will be afforded the unique opportunity to learn from your peers in other fields of study and become a more informed member of the scientific community. By choosing the College of Science LLC you will join a dynamic and stimulating group of students who are invested in advancing the scientific world.

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

If you are interested in a career in the field of business, the D’Amore-McKim School of Business LLCs are the place for you!  We have three amazing opportunities where you can gain access to faculty, student co-op panels, and extensive programming targeted to business-minded students! Take a look at our business tracks and pick the path that suits you best:

Corporate Explorers is for you if you know business is in your future, but are unsure of your exact path. Students will gain the opportunity to learn about career options in the field of business prior to committing to their concentration. Programming in this community focuses on self‐discovery, professional development and connecting students to co-ops and faculty members. Events include concentrations panels, faculty dinners, and collaboration with Northeastern’s Career Development office. Join Corporate Explorers and find your niche in the business world.

International Business focuses on helping you to become business savvy and culturally competent. Students will learn about international business trends, the effect of global markets, and the etiquette needed to conduct business abroad. Programming in this community will focus on promoting cultural exchange, fostering collaboration, and emphasizing the importance of global connections in the business world. Students will work closely with faculty in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business and will have close connection with the Office of Global Services (OGS). This dynamic program will strengthen students’ academic experience and develop their global citizenship.

The Women in Business LLC is for you if you are looking to connect with enterprising women that share your interest in business. In this community for both women and allies, you will have the opportunity to help plan and organize a variety of interesting events and activities for women, such as: managing office politics, networking events with top level executives, a student led co-op panel, as well as a self-defense demonstration. Programming in this community will focus on promoting equity for women in the business world, encouraging inclusivity and providing opportunities for leadership and advancement. Its members are also invited to participate in the Women in Business Club and the Smart Woman Securities organization that focuses on investment education for undergraduates.

First Year Interdisciplinary LLC

NU Journeys (NU Explore Program)

College is the time for exploration; so if you’re still undecided about your major, consider the NU Journeys LLC your new home! This community will help you identify your strengths, interests and possible career paths — all steps toward settling into a major that is right for you.

In addition to visits from Career Services and co-op panels, you will have the opportunity to work closely with the Explore Program for Undeclared Students, Advisors, Peer Mentors and Residential Life Staff to help you discover the right academic journey for you.


Students who aspire to have allopathic (MD), osteopathic, dental, optometry, pediatric, or veterinary medical careers—this is the community for you! This LLC focuses on educating residents about the diverse career options in medicine, showcasing the broad array of professional paths.

While living in this academically supportive environment, you will have a direct connection to the Pre-Health program and receive the guidance you need to prepare you for graduate school and beyond.

Politics, Philosophy, and Economics

Let’s talk shop! And by shop, we mean politics, philosophy, and economics. This LLC expands classroom learning within a cohort of students looking to examine real world problems while discovering their place in the greater global society.

In collaboration with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities this LLC provides our students with a variety of engaging and challenging approaches to understanding the world around us.

Community event include:

  • Metaphysics, Our Existence, and Coffee: Faculty chats on understanding existence and what’s out there.
  • Quiz Bowl Competition: Compete in teams on questions specific to politics, philosophy, and economic disciplines.
  • Boston Politic Tour: Walking tour of some of the most important historical places in Boston that have had a lasting impact on our government.


From their first day on campus, Honors students are connected to like-minded peers as they form a Living Learning Community that is focused on a theme of mutual interest. 

First-year Honors students live together in an Honors Living-Learning Community where they participate in a variety of activities to collectively explore their interests and connect with one another. 

They are supported by an Honors Living Learning Coordinator, a faculty or professional staff member, and an upperclass Honors student serving as an Honors Living Learning Assistant.

First Year Thematic Based LLC

Community Service

Give back and make a difference! Students in the Community Service LLC will develop plans to improve their residential and local community through a collaborative effort with the Center of Community Service. Students will be encouraged to design, create and implement their own service projects or take the part of pre-established programs.

Join us as we strengthen the neighborhoods and communities around Northeastern. Each year, we partner with more than 200 local organizations dedicated to a variety of causes including public health, education, environmental justice and youth recreation! We want you to help lend a hand!

Creative Expressions

If you have a passion for art, in its many mediums, consider joining the Creative Expressions LLC. This community affords students the opportunity to explore the many forms of creative expression and how these artistic methods can be conveyed.

Whether this is your future career path, deepest passion, or budding hobby, join us on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. Find your niche in one of our Creative Expressions families.

Cultural Inclusion

This LLC is a community of open-minded, progressive students who are interested in exploring who they are, learning from each other, and celebrating diverse perspectives. By joining this LLC, you will gain a deeper understanding of both your own culture and that of those around you. You will collaborate with your fellow students to discover, inform and applaud the differences and similarities of race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation.

Fostering a greater cultural awareness, you will seek to embrace the diversity of the Northeastern population and strive to create a more inclusive environment.

Healthy Living

Living a healthy lifestyle is an important part of one’s life, especially for those living away from home. Members of Healthy Living LLC will have the opportunity to learn how to lead a well-balanced life through multiple dimensions of wellness.

Workshops and programs within this LLC will be focused on stress management, nutrition, physical activity, spirituality, sustainability, and much more.

Leaders of the Pack

Discover and develop your style of leadership in the Leadership LLC. During the year, your experiences and conversations within your community will allow you to fine-tune your leadership skills and connect you to a powerful network of leaders at Northeastern. 

Join Leaders of the Pack and become the leader you always wanted to be. Through academic, service, social, and community-based experiences, you will have the opportunity to cultivate the leader in you. This community will help you navigate your course as a leader at Northeastern by networking with faculty members and upperclassmen in leadership positions on campus and within the community.

Musical Motifs

Whether you play an instrument, compose music, sing, or simply enjoy listening, you will find your place in this LLC. Musical Motifs seeks to connect your passion for music with industry skills to create a complete, melodious ensemble.

You will be encouraged to express yourself musically and have the opportunity to attend musical events the Boston area has to offer.

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