If you have a continuing contract and have participated in Spring Room Reassignment you will need to move out between semesters. If you are staying in the same assignment for the full year, you will not need to move out.
Move Out Checklist
You must move by 24 hours after your final exam or by 7pm on December 13. You must follow your hall staff’s move-out procedures and check-out appropriately. Failure to check out by hall staff’s move-out procedures may result in lost/discarded property, fines and/or judicial action.
In order to complete your move-out process, please be sure to:
Remove all of your belongings and dispose of trash, recycling, and perishables into your building’s designated areas.
Close and lock your windows.
Leave your room in good condition to avoid damage or excessive cleaning charges. Your bed and furniture must be free of all belongings in order to be cleaned for the next occupant.
Complete the Self Check-Out form in Housing Online when you have fully vacated your room assignment.
Residents will be billed for damages that are beyond normal wear and tear. If there is damage in your room, please indicate this on your Room or Apartment Condition Form, which will be accessed during the Self Check-Out process.
If you live in a building with key or key card access, follow instructions from your hall staff to return your key or key card.
Moving Hampers
You will be able to check out a moving hamper to assist you. You will need to provide a government issued photo identification in order to check out a hamper (i.e. driver’s license or passport). Please be considerate of others and return your moving hamper as soon as possible. Only one hamper will be permitted per student so that all students have access to that support.
Dav A
FRI, 12/6
12PM – 6PM
SAT, 12/7
10AM – 6PM
SUN, 12/8
10AM – 6PM
MON, 12/9
10AM – 6PM
TUES, 12/10
10AM – 6PM
WED, 12/11
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
THURS, 12/12
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
FRI, 12/13
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
8AM – 8PM
SAT, 12/14
8AM – 4PM
8AM – 4PM
8AM – 4PM
SUN, 12/15
10AM – 4PM
MON, 12/16
10AM – 4PM
TUES, 12/17
10AM – 4PM
Limited hampers available at 60B 12/11-12/14 Limited hampers available at RSO in Speare 12/18-12/29
Limited hampers available at 60B 12/11-12/14 Limited hampers available at RSO in Speare 12/18-12/29
Please return your moving hamper before the check-out station closes. If you return your moving hamper after the check-out station has closed, you will need bring the hamper to the Residential Safety Office, located in the upper lobby of Speare Hall where you will retrieve your photo identification.
Please note: moving hampers and support will only be available on scheduled days.
Please note: There is no parking available for oversized vehicles (over 6’8” including roof racks) or overnight parking. Parking lots open at 7am and close at 11pm. No overnight parking is permitted with this pass. Your vehicle will be towed if you remain in one of these parking lots overnight.
Please note: There is no parking available for oversized vehicles (over 6’8” including roof racks) or overnight parking. Parking lots open at 7am and close at 11pm. No overnight parking is permitted with this pass. Your vehicle will be towed if you remain in one of these parking lots overnight.
Hard Key Return
If you have a hard key for your room or mailbox, you can return your keys to a key dropbox in the following locations:
LP Hemenway- Smith Hall Lobby
Huntington- 337 Vestibule
SSS- Light Hall Lobby
Midtown- Midtown Lobby (Near proctor)
60 Belvidere- 60 Belvidere Lobby (Near proctor)
DVB & DP- Davenport B Lobby
DVA & Columbus- Davenport A Lobby
Fall Move In
Depending on fall housing assignment and/or Summer II housing assignment.
Specific dates and times for Fall move-in will be sent to students over the summer based on room assignment, as well as information about how to request a date change. If you are living in Summer II housing you will receive a Move-to-From date for mid-August, where you will move directly from their Summer II space to your Fall space.
Fall move-in takes place over the course of 7-9 days around and over Labor Day Weekend leading up to the first day of classes and move support is only available for certain buildings on specific days. If possible, students should not book travel until they receive their official move-in date and time for the smoothest move in experience.
Preparing for a New Semester
We look forward to welcoming you and your student to campus. As you prepare to arrive to a new space, you may have questions about how to prepare. Students are always assigned a specific move-in date and time which is shared with them via Northeastern email. Sometimes, there is opportunity to change their arrival date, although early arrivals are not always available and move-in services may not be available on alternate dates.
While we cannot share specific room details like layout, number of closets, square footage, etc. , we will recommend that you bring the essentials and a few personal touches. There are opportunities near campus to purchase additional items, as well as having items shipped to campus once your student has settled into their space. It is common for students to move to different rooms for summer terms, and having a manageable amount of belongings is helpful for those transitions.
Looking for a recommended list of what to bring (and what not to bring)? You can find more information on our What to Bring page.
We partner with several vendors who provide resources to our students and families such as summer storage, microfridge rentals, and blue bike services. More information can be found on our Vendor Information page.
Keep in mind, there is no oversized (over 6’8” including roof racks/storage) or overnight parking provided.
Details for Fall Move In 2025 Including dates by building, parking, maps, and driving directions will be posted here in August.
A central component of the First Year Residential Experience is our Living Learning Communities (LLCs). First year students in Boston choose from more than a dozen LLCs to begin their residential experience at Northeastern.