All Northeastern University housing, including leased properties covers basic utilities such as water, electric, and heat as a part of Room and Board. Below are additional utilities Northeastern provides.

Cable and Internet

Housing StyleInternet ServicesCable Access
University Owned HousingNUwaveXfinity On Campus™  Streaming
Leased Property ApartmentsSelf selected with university creditXfinity On Campus™  Streaming
Midtown NUwaveXfinity On Campus™  Streaming
60 BelvidereNUwaveXfinity On Campus™  Streaming


NUwave Internet is available within university owned properties and within Midtown and 60 Belvidere.

Leased properties apartments do not have NUwave, but internet can be set up through an outside provider. You will also be given a $100 credit for each semester ($50 per summer term) on your student account in the sixth week of the term (third week of summer term) to assist you with cost related to internet.  You can find helpful resources about internet providers below:

Cable Access

All students living in university housing have access to Xfinity On Campus streaming services. Our residence halls do not have active coaxial cable connections. Northeastern University’s internet protocol television (IPTV) service is provided through a partnership with Comcast and delivered through the Xfinity On Campus™ portal. This service offers online access to 200 broadcast and premium channels, as well as on-demand content. Students living in any University Housing have access to Xfinity On Campus™.

  • To access all content, you must be connected to a Northeastern network such as ResNet or NUwave. Limited content is available from any remote location. Check “How do I see what Xfinity Stream channels are available off campus?” for more information.
  • You must be enrolled at Northeastern. Access to Xfinity On Campus™ online begins on the first day of classes for incoming students.
  • You must be living in University Housing on the Boston Campus.


Access to laundry is provided to all of our residents. See below for assignment specific directions.

Laundry in University-Owned Buildings

All of our university owned properties have designated laundry facilities. No payment is required, simply load your clothes, select your cycle, and press start!

Helpful Resources

Laundry in Leased Property Apartments

In building laundry varies by building, and is accessible to residents at their own cost. Residents are granted access to a nearby residence hall to utilize residential laundry rooms that follow the guidance given in the university-owned buildings section. Specific locations are assigned to building by semester, and will be communicated to students via Northeastern email by hall staff. Laundry access for LP apartment students is active from 6am-11pm daily.

Laundry in the Midtown

Midtown residents have access to a designated laundry room within the building. Students are issued a $52.50 credit each semester in Housing Husky dollars to cover the cost of 1 load of laundry (wash and dry) per week. The Housing Husky Dollars credit will be applied to resident accounts in these locations at the beginning of each semester. Housing Husky Dollars can be used like Husky Dollars but expire annually in August and are not refundable/ transferrable. Credits are intended to offset the cost of laundry but are not able to be used for direct laundry payment.

Specific directions on how to use these machines via the Laundry Connect App are posted within the laundry room.

Laundry in 60 Belvidere

60 Belvidere residents have access to a designated laundry room within the building. Students are issued a $75 credit each semester in Housing Husky dollars to cover the cost of 1 load of laundry (wash and dry) per week. The Housing Husky Dollars credit will be applied to resident accounts in these locations at the beginning of each semester. Housing Husky Dollars can be used like Husky Dollars but expire annually in August and are not refundable/ transferrable. Credits are intended to offset the cost of laundry but are not able to be used for direct laundry payment.

Specific directions on how to use these machines via the My Magic Pass App are posted within the laundry room.


At the start of the academic school year, members of the Northeastern community receive $120 of printing credit on their Husky Cards that can be used at various color and black & white printers across campus. This non-refundable, annual credit does not roll over from year to year. Once the allotted $120 has been spent, the printing system will draw from Husky Dollars.

All jobs sent to the printing queue are available to print for up to 12 hours. Cost is determined on a per-page basis and varies depending on paper size and the type of printer used.

You can track your print balance and transactions, the number of print jobs submitted, and the number of pages printed.


All university housing residents, including those living in Leased Properties. are issued unique mail codes for campus mail addressing. All packages and paper mail are delivered and distributed through the university mailrooms and package locker network. No mail is delivered directly to residential halls.

Students receive mailing information about two weeks prior to the start of each term, and subsequently becomes available to reference on their Housing Online Portal. We do not recommend sending anything essential to campus via university mail prior to move in, as packages can be delayed at the start of term. For alternative ship to room services before Fall, additional resources can be found on our vendor information page.

Perishable items such as food or flowers are not able to be accepted by Residential Mail. This includes any form of COD (call on delivery) packages and subscription deliveries similar to the following services:

  • Amazon Prime Market
  • Edible Arrangements
  • HelloFresh
  • Insomnia Cookies
  • Blue Apron
  • Freshly
  • Home Chef
  • Omaha Steaks
  • Daily Harvest
  • Georgetown Cupcakes
  • Imperfect Foods

If it is absolutely necessary for a perishable package to be delivered (i.e. for medical purposes), we ask that you call or email before the items are sent so that arrangements can be made.

Packages that contain alcohol will be returned to sender, alcohol is not permitted to be accepted at university mailrooms.